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Townsville, QLD



Athlete Profile – Karen Masson

Athlete Profile – Karen Masson

Today’s Athlete Profile is on Karen Masson. Karen is a Coffs harbour local who has competed in the Coffs Harbour Adventurethon and in 2015 will head to Townsville for Adventurethon national Challenge.
Karen masson photoWhich Adventurethon/s have you competed in?
Coffs Harbour (but heading to Townsville for National Challenge this July)
Have you always been active?
Yes, but just played lots of different sports in high school. wasn’t until after College that I started to run competitively.  I discovered mountain biking when I travelled to, and lived in the States in my 20’s and loved it first ride. So I started racing there. Then I got into off-road triathlons (Xterra) and adventure racing over there as well. (lived there for almost 17 years!)
Why Adventurethon?
I returned to Coffs (where I grew up) a couple of years ago and saw a flyer. Perfect! Multisport race in my backyard! Volunteered at the first one as I broke my collarbone a month before that race.
Tell us about why do you do off road events
Love playing in the outdoors on trails, and in the ocean. And the races attract similarly inspired people so it’s relaxed and fun.
Where do you feel your strengths lie?
Strength is the bike – love technical and hilly tracks.
Who inspires you to push yourself?
My kids. Boys are 6 and 8. Want to be a role model for them to live an active and healthy life,- and so that I can keep up with them in a few years!
Describe the atmosphere at Adventurethon?
Relaxed, friendly and fun! But is a really professionally-run race!
Where do you live and play?
Coffs Harbour. Love our playground here- can always get a paddle or a swim in the harbour whatever the conditions; great surfing; and 100’s of kilometres of dirt roads and trails in the surrounding mountains.
How important is your support crew to achieving your goals?
Met my husband mountain biking so he understands and shares my addiction and is very supportive. Couldn’t do it all without him.
What does your race day breakfast look like?
If I have a couple hours before racing, then frenchtoast, otherwise quick porridge and banana.
What’s the one piece of equipment that goes with you to every race and why?
electrical tape! Comes in handy for taping food to bike,
karen masson bike hillWhat piece of advice would you give someone attempting their first Adventurethon?
Train on the trails, beach, ocean and get used to your equipment. Get some professional coaching/tips for paddling if possible, especially if paddling ocean.
How do you feel about the home turf advantage?
pretty good advantage for training on the course- knowing what to expect always helps, but its all about what happens on the day.

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