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Townsville, QLD



Adventurous spirits never dampened at Adventurethon Kalbarri.

Adventurous spirits never dampened at Adventurethon Kalbarri.

Kalbarri came to life as the Adventurethon course traversed the breathtaking terrain over the weekend.
Starting with a 22km run along the Bigurda trail and the coastline into the town of Kalbarri .

tom chadbourne winner (2)

Tom Chadbourne

The first 8km of Bigurda trail making up one of the most breathtaking sections of trail along the coral coast
After the run leg athletes picked up their kayaks and took on the famous zig zag river mouth crossing, with a few wipeouts at the mouth but mostly success for paddlers getting outside into the ocean…  few rough sets of waves hit the paddlers showcasing  the ferocity of the ocean and testing the responses of the Kalbarri  VMR water safety crew … paddlers who made it out the mouth headed towards the famous surf spot Jakes Point where they turned and began the downwind surf leg back into the mouth.
After returning to the river the paddlers headed up river for 4km before turning and heading back to HQ area.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAt the conclusion of the paddle leg athletes swapped paddles for pushbikes  and took on the 35 km gruelling mountain bike course….however organisers were surprised that the rock hard clay course that they had marked in the days prior to the event had become soggy overnight and the riverbank and limestone it traversed became an obstacle in its own right… mud was caking onto the wheels and sticking so much in sections that the bikes seized and the mud needed to be removed from the workings of the bike in order to move again.
 “The biggest issue we had out there this weekend was the amount of mud on the bike course, with minimal rain the course transformed overnight from rock hard to sloppy and we have had a lot of mechanicals and a couple of stacks…that said people have had so much fun and it has also become the highlight of the weekend.” Race director Joel Savage
Image 0122- broken bike with mudPeople have travelled from all around W.A for the event as well as travellers from as far as North QLD
The winner of the largest event was Tom Chadbourne, who edged out 2 x Adventurethon Kalbarri winner Kris Plain over the gruelling course. Tom was only beaten by a relay team of racers who made their move in the final descent on the limestone/ sludgy Meanarra hill section.
Geraldton locals and triathlon club members also participated in the event with podiums in the Dirty Duathlon event which is the run and ride legs only. Geraldton local Ben Smit, took out the first Dirty Duathlon finisher time with Ben freer winning the masters division
The Enduro event was about half the distance of the Ultra and we saw Geraldton Local Steve fletcher take out 2nd place in that event
Kalbarri crushers team did well in the Ultra division placing 2nd with Kalbarri local Luke Dooley participating in the Bike ride on the Saturday and placing 5th in the Murchison dash paddle on the Sunday
Bigurda bash winner Sharon baird

Bigurda bash winner Sharon Baird

The Adventurethoners backed up the next day to take part in the Kalbarri canoe and cray festivals “Murchison dash” 16.5km paddle and there was also the addition of the Bigurda bash trail run on the Sunday Afternoon which was won by Perth mother Sharon Baird, edging out the closest male competitor by over 1 minute.
Adventurethon says the Kalbarri area represents so much potential for adventure and is the perfect escape for those looking for amazing landscapes and plenty to do.

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